Canary Islands

Holiday in Spain

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Summer of 2012 means another shot at picking the perfect vacation. This year, what’s more perfect than immersing yourself in Spain’s culture and food?

There are many tapas bars scattered in the streets of Madrid. After tasting the pickle skewers, deep-fried chili peppers and Iberian ham, you may find yourself at the hotel with no internet and outrageous rates for calling back to your loved ones in North America. So much for emailing them the pictures you took today or even giving them a five-minute greeting from the capital of bullfighting.

Don’t waste time searching for an internet café. Before leaving home, find a Spain SIM card with a data plan. Sharing your real time vacation photos with your Facebook friends will become easy and affordable. (99% cheaper than your carrier’s roaming rates.)

Things to do in Spain (and some fabulous photos):

  • The Canary Islands is a must-see when you visit Spain. Whether it is exploring the volcanoes, underwater diving, or stargazing under one of the most cloudless skies in the world, the Canary Islands definitely has a niche for every type of traveler.
  • La Tomatina is an annual food fight festival in Spain that has been around for about 70 years. Join in this summer for the biggest tomato food fight you’ll have in your life.
  • Drop by Madrid for one of the best bullfighting spectacles at the Las Ventas stadium on Plaza de Torros.
  • The list goes on and on…Happy vacationing!


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