Road and Rail Travel

European railway links

Many of us have backpacked through Europe and depended on trains to find our way but locals know it’s also an excellent mode of transportation for the business traveler looking to get from point A to point B with least resistance. Have you driven a car in Italy? You know what I’m talking about. Here are some of the most valuable European rail websites to help you with your next trip.

Rail Pass and Rail Europe
With both of these companies you can buy a pass in your home country and have it ready for arrival in Europe. These US based companies offer train passes of almost any kind including a Global Pass that covers 18 countries (in case you need to be all over Europe). The advantage of purchasing ahead of time is that you don’t have to worry about language barriers or finding the ticket booth.

Railroad Timetables
What if you have already arrived and are looking for a way to the next city, here are direct links to some of the official websites for country railways.

Subway Systems
Many European cities are also renowned for their convenient and extensive subway systems. Check out Subway Navigator to find links to subway maps for Europe’s cities.