Welcome to my blog

As a traveler you are inundated with websites, blogs, forums and journals telling you where, when and why to travel. For the majority of us those questions are already answered by work and family. I need to be in London next week for a conference. We are traveling to Barbados in November for a holiday. We aren’t looking for the place or reason to travel – we simply are travelers with expectations and ambitions. We want to acquire information, links and advice on making our trips remarkable.

I’m on an endless pursuit to travel ubiquitously, have visited almost every continent and have lived in Tokyo, New York, and four provinces of Canada. Along the way, I’ve enjoyed learning about different cultures, arts, languages, foods, technologies and local idiosyncrasies. The more I travel the more I discover that even the tiniest bit of knowledge can mean the difference between a success and a flop.

A good friend of mine offended her Japanese client at a first meeting by crossing her legs. My neighbors missed their flight out of Liberia Airport because they didn’t know 10 miles on a Costa Rican dirt road could take 2 hours. My husband raked up $200 in roaming charges on a weekend trip in Switzerland unaware there are better ways to call home than on a North American cell phone. These adventures and mishaps make entertaining party stories but imagine how good the punch line would be if you knew the solution ahead of time!

So join me on my blog twice a week where I share my tidbits of knowledge on travel secrets for the person who already knows where, when and why they travel but is always interested in learning how to improve their worldly skills and impress the locals.

One Response to Welcome to my blog

  1. Barry Wallach says:

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